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Car accident, Whiplash, disc injury, MVA, LOP

Car Accidents

Sadly, car accident are a part of many individuals lives. They are often unavoidable and when they happen, most of us don't really now what to do. Many individuals are quick to repair their damaged cars but fail to care for their own injuries! This results in long-lasting, and sometimes permanent injury caused by even the most minor car crash.

Happy to tell you, chiropractic care has proven to be highly beneficial in providing pain relief for individuals involved in car accidents of all types! Dr. Gwynne has been working with patients who have been victims of car accidents and specializes in care for those individuals. In addition to correcting any misalignments caused by the impact of the wreck, A chiropractor’s care can help reduce inflammation, swelling, and stiffness in all areas of the body. It can also improve your range of motion while recovering from a more serious injury.

Although the effects of an injury from a car accident are not always immediately apparent, a trained professional will be able to diagnose them before they become a more serious issue. By working with us during your recovery time, you provide yourself with the opportunity to return more quickly to your normal life without unnecessary pain.

Auto Injuries in Cypress, Texas 

Car accidents can cause damage to the body that may become apparent years after the event. We strongly advise any individual who has been involved in a wreck to schedule an appointment with Dr. Gwynne for a chiropractic evaluation. There are many ways that chiropractic care can benefit individuals suffering from acute or chronic pain due to an automobile accident. A few of the benefits of chiropractic care for pain relief include the following:

  • Reduces stiffness in the neck, shoulders, or back.

  • Improves range of motion.

  • Reduces inflammation and swelling.

  • Corrects misalignments caused by the accident.
  • Reduces scar tissue from injuries.

  • Provides a natural alternative to pain relief.

The list above includes only a few of the ways in which chiropractic care benefits individuals involved in an automobile accident. Chiropractor care can provide a more comfortable and oftentimes quicker road to recovery. At Wavelength Chiropractic, we are proud to provide relief and hope to patients of any age who are recovering from an unfortunate accident.


Contact Us

Cypress Location:

12239 Queenston Blvd. #F

Houston, TX 77095

(346) 327- 6079


Winnie Location:

Texas Health & Fitness

1505 SH-124 N, Winnie, TX 

​(346) 327- 6079






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Office Hours

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Cypress, TX






9am - 1pm and 3pm - 6pm


9am - 1pm and 3pm - 6pm

9:30am - 1pm and 3pm - 6pm

9am - 1pm 

Winnie, TX


9am -12pm and  1pm-5pm

Cypress Location 

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